Protecting your information and identity online


The Information Commissioners Office reports that 'numerous scams are in operation to get you to provide personal details, including details of your bank account or credit card, for fraud.

Phishing is a scam that lures you under false pretences to websites which look legitimate to get you to provide personal information. Such emails appear to be from recognisable sources such as banks but are actually linked to fraudulent websites.'

The following provides guidance about protecting your information and identity online. Please also refer to our privacy policy for details about how we manage your information.

If you receive a message from Allica

Watch out for impersonal emails. We will always address any correspondence to you personally, we would never send out communications starting 'Dear valued customer' for example. If in doubt, don't open emails or attachments.

We'll never ask you to confirm any personal details via email. If you're asked to do so, please do not reply and email us or call us on 0330 094 3333.

If you are sent a link to our website in an email and are unsure if it is a genuine, check for the 'https://' prefix which indicates the site is secure. Our web address is '.bank' addresses are very tightly controlled, so check the address carefully. You should also retype the link in another browser.

If you have previously given consent for us to contact you with information about our products and services and no longer wish to receive them, you can unsubscribe in online banking, let us know by emailing us or by calling us on 0330 094 3333.

If you need to reset your password online we will send a message to the email address you gave us previously. Please check your 'spam' or 'junk' folder if you do not receive the email and then contact us if necessary.

Protecting your passwords and other personal information

Your internet browser - the software you use to browse the web, will have options for you to protect your personal information, for example to limit the amount of personal information you put online, to wipe the details of sites you have visited, or searches you have made, from your computer. Ensure your browser is updated to the latest version, along with your desktop or mobile operating system.

Install antivirus and security software and keep this software updated.

Make sure you keep your account details and passwords secure and do not share them with others.

Use a different password for each website. Never write down your passwords.

When choosing a password, avoid obvious choices such as mother's maiden name, child's name, pet's name, or other references that someone may be able to find out through information you have posted elsewhere. Allica's password policy that it must be a minimum of 10 Characters, one uppercase, one special character and one number minimum.

Use different passwords for different sites. Never write down your passwords. You may want to consider getting a password management app to help you with this.

If you're using your device on a free/public WiFi network it's best not to access financial, medical, or personal services unless you're using a VPN. Otherwise your data may be visible to malicious users.

Be careful when posting content online, for example on social media. Fraudsters can piece together information from separate posts to guess passwords etc.

Review the security settings on your social media pages, to control who sees what.

Be careful when you store passwords and other information in browsers. Other people who gain access to the computer may be able to make purchases or gather information.
